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LSC - Online Campus
LSC - Academic & Workforce Success
LSC Treasury - SO Cashier
Leadership North Houston
CDI Texas
Third Party Payments
Study Abroad
LSC - Online Campus
LSC - Academic & Workforce Success
LSC Treasury - SO Cashier
Leadership North Houston
CDI Texas
Third Party Payments
Study Abroad
CDI Texas
CDI Texas Year 1, 2, or 3
CDI Texas Year 1, 2, or 3
Registration covers training participant materials, breakfast and daily refreshments breaks. Year 1: Focus on foundation of community development. Year 2: Emphasis is place on the "nuts and bolts" of implementing economic development strategies. Year 3: Focus is on implementing knowledge gained in previous years and acquiring skills in leadership, marketing and organizing the community
Fields with asterisk are required.
Participant's Full Name *
Organization/Company Name (if applicable)
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Invoice # (if applicable)
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